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Long-term professional cooperation

Editorial staff
12/17/2024 |

Nefab saves environmental and economic resources by optimizing supply chains. They do this by working with their customers to create smarter packaging and logistics solutions with respect for people and high ethical standards. This contributes to a better tomorrow for Nefab's customers, society, and the environment.

With more than 75 years of experience combined with expertise and presence in more than 38 countries, Nefab offers global solutions and local service worldwide to companies in industries such as Telecom, Datacom, Semicon, Energy, Healthcare equipment, Mining & Construction, and LiB & E-mobility. Nefab Group has over 4900 employees in 38 countries, with an annual turnover of SEK 10.3 billion. The owners are the Nordgren/Pihl family and FAM AB, a privately owned holding company within the Wallenberg Ecosystem.

Professional partner

Nefab and SQL Service, now called Cegal, started a collaboration on MS SQL in 2017. The following year, Nefab transferred the operational responsibility of the MS SQL environment to Cegal. Since then, Cegal has supported Nefab when it comes to architecture, technologies, and security thinking. In addition, Cegal continuously contributes with advice and is a proactive partner.

Maria Sköld, Group IT Operation Manager at Nefab says that with Cegal they have gained a professional partner that meets Nefab's requirements.

— We feel very satisfied with the monitoring of our SQL environment and the solutions that Cegal handles for us. In addition, Cegal offers high availability, possesses high technical competence, and acts as a sounding board when we discuss changes in the environment, says Maria Sköld.

Long-term perspective

— For Nefab, it is important to have partners who see our collaboration as long-term, and who understand that it is a tool in a professional delivery, which Cegal does, says Maria Sköld.

— Together with Nefab, we work with continuous improvement through management meetings and planning using an annual wheel. An important part of this work is that we make sure to have open communication with other partners at Nefab. In addition to the above, we can also step in and assist as expert advisors in complex issues and challenges regarding the database environment, says Tobias Segerlund, Director Managed Services, Cegal Sweden.

Cegal's delivery

Cegal has implemented a complete 24/7 monitoring of the database environment at Nefab, which also includes preparedness in the form of a team that handles any alarms.

To meet Nefab's SLA requirements for RPO/PRT, Cegal has implemented a Disaster Recovery environment that continuously restores backups to a separate environment with a certain delay. In addition, Cegal has enabled Restore Test as a Service.

Read more about our database services >

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