A story about data and oil
While we wait to uncover if data truly is the new oil, Ada from Cegal can confidently say that oil becomes much better with data.
With a master's degree in geology from the UK and work experience from Australia and South Africa, Ada eventually found her way to Cegal. In many ways, it was a natural choice, but it also required some adjustments.
Cegal was willing to take a chance on me, despite my lack of extensive IT experience.
They believed that my background as a geologist, my experience with large amounts of data, and my familiarity with the energy industry were excellent foundations; the technical aspects could always be taught.
3.5 years later, there is little doubt that the chance Cegal took has paid off for both parties.
I can work with coding languages, with databases and SQL servers, and in advanced Microsoft Azure systems. My IT knowledge has exploded, and it's incredibly fun. I'm very happy that Cegal invested in someone with a slightly different background.
Ada works in the Energy X department, which offers software specifically tailored to the energy industry. The customers are many of the major operators on the Norwegian continental shelf.
There is an incredible amount of data collected throughout the value chain, from the oil and gas that is pumped up, sent to shore, received, and sent on down to Europe. We collect all the data and make it available in a control system that gives the customer an overview in one place. We validate and handle large amounts of data - for some customers many terabytes.
The system Ada is referring to is relatively new, and she has been involved in its development since the idea was conceived by one of her customers.
It was our customer Wintershall DEA who asked us if we could develop such a system, and being part of this whole journey from the idea that was conceived to the system being defined, programmed, rolled out, and is now in operation is incredibly exciting. Not many people get to be part of a development like this.
For Cegal and Ada, it's a recurring concept when they develop products and deliver services to their customers.
We call ourselves Fuss Fighters. Our systems get straight to the point, we peel away everything that is unnecessary and make everyday life easier for our customers.
Great development
Ada enjoys working in the energy sector for several reasons.
One is that the industry is so dominant, both here in Western Norway, but also for Norway's economy as a whole. Even more exciting is the development the industry is going through. Investments are being made in renewable energy sources, with money and expertise you won't find in other industries.
Cegal is part of this change in the industry.
Our systems are adapted to this development and can be used in areas such as wind power, hydropower and CO2 storage. It's fun to be in the generation that gets to be part of this development.
Cegal as a company is also characterized by great development. From its humble beginnings in Stavanger, the company has grown bigger - but not too big.
We now have offices and customers in many countries, and we have presented demos of our solution in Oman, Houston, the UK, Germany - and soon the Netherlands. So it's good to have colleagues in these regions.
Despite the international presence, Cegal still feels like a small business.
We are still very young at heart, I would say, and keep our feet firmly on the ground – even with international success. We are still in many ways a local Sandnes company, and the original daily manager is on the board and walks around the halls talking to all employees. This makes you feel less like a small cog in a big corporation.
The atmosphere and working environment is an important reason why Ada enjoys her job.
There are 22 people in my department, most in Sandnes, but also several in Haugesund and Stord. We know each other well through social gatherings across offices, and we have Thursday waffles, payday beers, and much more.Great diversity among the employees helps to characterize the atmosphere.
I believe that part of what creates a good atmosphere is our diversity and welcoming people precisely because they are different. I came from a completely different industry and background than what was ‘normal,’ and it was seen as a positive. It changes the dynamics when there is a good mix of age, gender, and background. That’s a big reason why I enjoy my job so much.