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The Fiji Foundation is building an evacuation center in Fiji and Cegal is a proud partner

Editorial staff
02/09/2023 |

Cegal is proud to be a partner in the Fiji Foundation's biggest project to date - building Norway Safe Houses. This is an evacuation center in Wainibuka in Fiji that will house the residents in the event of the next flood or cyclone, as well as act as a multi-purpose center and thus serve several purposes. The construction phase is now about to start, and is expected to be completed by 2023.

The Fiji Foundation was established in 2011, and works to strenghten local capacity and expertise by providing assistance to projects with local roots, ownership and management; provide assistance to projects that stimulate self-help and development based on local premises; ensure that the money arrives and that 100% of the contributions go directly to the projects that are supported.

This project is important for several reasons. The primary purpose is to shelter people during future natural disasters, but the women's business will also generate jobs and further income for the local population. In addition, the construction process will involve the training of young construction workers who can later use the acquired knowledge in other contexts.

Janne Årstad, Deputy Head of the Fiji Foundation / FijiStiftelsen

The project Norway Safe Houses was initiated after Cyclone Winston hit the area very hard, and the damage to the schools and the village was enormous and serious. Being the small, but powerful organization that FijiStiftelsen is, they acted quickly and in only two weeks they managed to get all the children back to school so that the adults could focus on rebuilding the village - for this they received recognition from the authorities in Fiji, via the Prime Minister's office .

With this as a background, the project Norway Safe Houses developed, where the Fiji Foundation worked closely with the village of Wainibuka to define and plan the project. Together, it was decided that the evacuation center should be located at the school, as the future lies in investment in children and education.

The evacuation center will serve multiple purposes and include a large multipurpose room, which can function as a classroom or gymnasium, toilets, kitchen, library, a room for medical examinations and health. Last, but not least, a space for the women in the village to be able to establish their own business where help for self-help is an important step out of poverty.

Cegal's contributes to the technological development of the project - and we are proud to be a small part of a such a large project that really gives this local population a unique opportunity; security, education and a sustainable local community.

Read more about how Cegal works with sustainability here >

See video presentation of the project below.


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