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On this page you will find our blog posts and news. We share our insights on how to turn complex IT challenges into digital success stories.


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Oracle Blog
Cegal streamlined workflows for Equalis with an Oracle Cloud...
Editorial staff Cegal want to build a stellar nextgen...
Blog Sustainability
Cegal helps victims of human trafficking
Editorial staff Cegal want to build a stellar nextgen...
Blog Digitalization
How does your company cope with a data crash?
Editorial staff Cegal want to build a stellar nextgen...
Blog Diversity
Cegal won award for diversity and equality
Editorial staff Cegal want to build a stellar nextgen...
Blog Consultancy
Off the shelf software: Like searching for love?
Maria Forsberg Kristoffersen Director Business Consultants in Cegal....
Blog Sustainability Diversity
Celebration of world’s first programmer enlightens need to focus...
Editorial staff Cegal want to build a stellar nextgen...
Blog Consultancy
What could Barbie 2.0 teach us about digitalization?
Maria Forsberg Kristoffersen Director Business Consultants in Cegal....
Blog Sustainability Diversity
Neglecting diversity makes you an outdated mastodon
Editorial staff Cegal want to build a stellar nextgen...
Blog Software
Improving Facies Interpretation with Data Analysis and...
Bruce Chalmers Bruce is a geoscientist with a...