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Our Tech experts succeed as presenters in the Caribbean IT community

Pål Stian Bendiksen Pål is an experienced consultant with a focus on integration and cloud architecture with main expertise around Azure, Integration Architecture, API, Internet of Things (IoT) and Consulting. In recent years, Pål has worked a lot with the architecture of hybrid cloud services and integrations. This job has involved testing technology and solutions for development, devops and monitoring in Microsoft Azure.
11/07/2023 |

CodeCampSDQ Evolved

We was thrilled to attend the CodeCampSDQ Evolved event in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. It was an impactful gathering of tech enthusiasts from all over the Caribbean. Pål and Manfred were present at this conference, and it was an honor to be a part of it. 

CodeCampSDQ Evolved is much more than just another tech conference. It started as a modest event at a local university in 2010 and has since grown into a large-scale influential gathering. This conference is about giving back and is steadfastly committed to fostering a growth industry in the Dominican Republic while advocating for the underrepresented in tech. 

The conference is also important for many Dominicans who lack the resources or opportunities to attend international conferences. We bring invaluable experience and expert insights usually limited to the big tech gatherings in the US and Europe to this Caribbean nation. 

CodeCampSDQ Evolved offers discounts and scholarships for local attendees, and it is supported by sponsors and foreign delegates’ participation. It serves as a conduit for progress and knowledge transfer within the Dominican tech community, led by the prime motor Claudio Sanchez and his devoted team of volunteers and employees of Megsoft. 

In line with this spirit, Manfred had the opportunity to give a talk that addressed critical aspects of the current tech landscape. Pål and Manfred kicked off the event together with “Beyond the Toy Phase: Harnessing the Power of AI for Business Impact.” We talked about how to easily get AI to work with your internal data for fast ROI, but also discussed the caveats and pitfalls to look out for, even questioning “What is AI actually?”. 

Later on, during the conference, Manfred returned to the stage for his talk, "Bridging the Age Gap: Maximizing the Potential of Multigenerational Teams in Tech". He shared his insights on nurturing collaboration in diverse age groups within a tech team, inaugurating a discussion and receiving lots of questions from the attendees. Pål followed-up with his talk, titled "Securing your mission-critical cloud workloads". His speech delved deep into the significance of hardened cybersecurity measures, warning against the dire consequences of lax security measures and serving as a wakeup call for many. In summary, CodeCampSDQ Evolved signifies much more than just another tech conference. Its core mission is to uplift the underrepresented by providing opportunities for them to better themselves, their community, and ultimately their tech industry and country. I look forward to seeing what more CodeCampSDQ Evolved accomplishes in the years to come. 


API World and AI DevWorld 

Deep in the technological hub of the United States, nestled between the headquarters of tech giants Google and Apple, Manfred had the opportunity to be part of an exciting event recently. At the world's largest vendor-neutral API conference and its newly established counterpart, AI DevWorld, Manfred joined Pål in captivating audiences. These conferences collectively drew about 1250 in-person attendees and over 3000 virtual participants. 

Our journey commenced with an engaging presentation on cloud platform security at API World. Titled "Securing your Azure integration platform," our talk focused on strengthening cloud platforms to thwart potential attackers, a critical topic in today's data-driven world. We emphasized the severe consequences of weak cloud security infrastructure, which grabbed the audience's undivided attention. 

Following the impactful session, Pål and Manfred swiftly transitioned to Stage 1 of AI DevWorld. Our talk, the same one that began at CodeCamp SQL, "Beyond the Toy Phase: Harnessing the Power of AI for Business Impact," aimed to demystify the practical application of AI. We delved into seamlessly integrating AI with internal data structures for swift ROI. Simultaneously, we highlighted potential pitfalls and delved deeper into the essence of AI. 

Want to learn more? Get in touch for a chat.

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