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Oracle and Cegal: An Unbeatable Alliance in Cloud Computing

Editorial staff
09/21/2023 |

- We have never experienced such high demand for our Oracle Cloud solutions before, says Tore Bjelland, CEO of Oracle Norway. 
Cegal and Oracle join forces and commit to discovering business opportunities together. Read on to learn why the market is screaming for the Oracle Cloud and how Cegal and Oracle will deal with it.

Oracle is an essential vendor for Cegal, and Cegal is the largest and most selling Oracle Partner in the Nordics. Last week, Oracle and Cegal met to discuss market opportunities, go-to-market strategy, and joining forces to secure superior deliveries for long-time and new Oracle Cloud customers.

Cegal and Oracle have a strong success record in helping companies utilize Oracle solutions and gain value from their investments. Cegal has over 300 different Oracle certifications, by far the most in the Nordic region. Cegal has over 250 customers using various Oracle solutions ranging from Elhub metering all of Norway's electrical power consumption on Oracle Cloud to low-code work on APEX Oracles low-code-platform (Oracle Application Express) for the Hamar municipality

Read more about Cegal's other Oracle success stories here:

Our Oracle Cloud business is one of the fastest growing businesses in Cegal at the moment.

Dagfinn Ringås, CEO Cegal

The new hyperscaler cloud company

Oracle came late to the cloud party which actually turned out to be an advantage. A few years ago, it was not certain that Cloud would be able to turn out a good general purpose cloud. After Amazon launched its Web Services (AWS) in 2006, Google the Cloud Platform in 2008, and Microsoft Azure in 2010, Oracle was nowhere to be seen in the cloud space. Not before 2018, Oracles made its first public hyperscale cloud platform, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), generally available.

“If you come late to market with a common product, success relies on three things,” says Tore Bjelland, CEO of Oracle Norway, and continues:
1.    A superior product.
2.   A big enough customer base.
3.   An addressable market. 

Oracle Cloud built from massive cloud experience

Tore Bjelland explains how Oracle made a superior cloud platform:
- We hired the best technicians who built the Amazon Web Services in addition several other distinguished architects & leading technologists were recruited from Microsoft. The task was to build a new hyperscaler cloud platform with all the lessons learned from building AWS and Azure, using the latest technology. Then we transformed our existing customer base to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.  

Today, Bjelland and his colleagues at Oracle are putting a lot of effort into addressing new markets for the Oracle Cloud. 
Bjelland says: -Oracle is a hyperscale cloud platform vendor aligned with Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. Utilizing the cloud is giving our customers to scale up and down and letting them pay for the computing they actually use. This means if you use less, your IT bill also should shrink. The “fixed shape” price model doesn’t contain lowering prices at too many cloud vendors. These pricing models are similar to traditional hosting pricing models.

Still, there is a lot of presumption among companies that Oracle is a database only company. That’s no longer true.

Tore Bjelland,  CEO of Oracle Norway

Cegal's unique position

Cegal brings unmatched expertise in industrial software for the energy sector, data analytics, cloud lift-and-shift projects, and database monitoring. The company has seen its Oracle-related business grow at an accelerated pace, winning large end-to-end IT contracts thanks to its Oracle expertise. 

Cegal is now well-positioned to be a stellar global tech company specializing in the energy sector with three business lines: 
1.    Specialized cloud operations for the energy sector.
2.   Consultancy services focused on integration, data, analytics, cloud lift-and-shift, and database monitoring. 
3.   Industrial software for geoscience and energy production control.

Cegals future plans

- The blessing and curse for tech companies is that there are so many opportunities you can go after. I think it's smart to stick to our core business and be the world's leading player in our focused areas. Cegal has decided to be an expert on Oracle cloud lift-and-shift projects. At least for the next few years, we will stick to that, says Dagfinn Ringås, group CEO of Cegal. 

Together with Oracle, we will go to the biggest companies in the Nordics and the world and help them move to the cloud.

Dagfinn Ringås, Cegal 

This dovetails with Cegal's expertise and focus on Oracle cloud lift-and-shift projects, creating synergies neither company could achieve alone.

- The second big opportunity we see in the market is cloud integrations. Companies will not utilize only one cloud platform. Therefore, there will be a strong demand after multi-cloud integrations. Cegal did the world's first integration between Microsoft Azure and Oracle Cloud, and multi-cloud integrations are part of our core expertise, adds Ringås.

Although Oracle and Microsoft are fierce competitors, the IT giants also have several partnership initiatives, specifically in the cloud space. 
Read more about Oracle and Microsoft partnership here > 

- After a lifetime in the technology business, I have never seen such a huge momentum as I experience at the moment, says Tore Bjelland, CEO of Oracle Norway, and refers to tech waves such as the internet boom, the Y2K, the mobilization, and today's tech-dependent business.
- We will use Oracle's strong position as a supplier of society critical data management solutions to expand our market together with Cegal and other partners, concludes Bjelland.

QR-code to the Instagram reels from our Cegal & Oracle event👇


Would you like to learn more? Contact us today for a deep dive into how Oracle and Cegal are shaping the future of cloud computing. 

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