Cegal Cetegra is a specialized and dedicated cloud hosting platform for the oil and gas industry. The solution has evolved over 15 years, resulting from excellent collaboration and development by IT and subsurface domain experts. Cetegra is a vendor-neutral cloud platform dedicated to ensuring top performance for subsurface workflows by serving up performant software applications and subsurface data to the end user.
With our deep insight into subsurface domains (geoscience, reservoir engineering, production) and IT and cloud operational environments, our Cetegra cloud platform is the ideal solution for driving digitalization and IT evolution for our clients.
Without suitable applications and integrations, a geoscience workflow in the oil and gas industry can take several months, up to almost a year, from raw seismic data to valuable insights for different operations. You don’t have to be a state-of-the-art geoscientist to understand that this represents vast lost revenue and enormous costs for oil and gas companies.
What kind of workflows are we talking about that are so time-consuming? Traditionally, a workflow from seismic data input to seismic interpretation, structural modeling, the structural grid, stratigraphic grid, 3D petrophysical model dynamic model, and insights for, e.g., reservoir engineers or drilling operators contains a lot of computing and modeling most often with several data exports and imports to and from different applications.
Switching between different applications is frustrating and time-consuming during a hectic workday. It can also create security issues and make it difficult to collaborate on datasets, resulting in duplicated data and less control over data. On top of that, it opens for data loss and manual errors.
The Cegal Cetegra application and data integration for the oil and gas industry can be a game-changer for the industry by:
Overall, by integrating applications and data, oil and gas companies can move towards a more efficient, data-driven, and cost-effective operating model.
With Cegal Cetegra, OKEA has achieved industry-leading, cost-effective production that uses natural resources better. Read the story here >
Cegal Cetegra provides oil and gas companies with a secure platform that can be adapted to users with different access and resources, such as engineers, geophysicists, and administrative staff. Cetegra is a modern, high-performance cloud platform that’s specialized for the oil and gas industry.
Cetegra gives you complete control over IT costs. Data storage and computing costs a lot, and losing cost control is easy. License monitoring is integrated into the Cetegra platform. With, for example, 50 professional applications in use from various suppliers, oil and gas companies can save several millions of dollars annually in software licenses. This saving has an immediate bottom-line effect.
Based on experience from several of the world's largest oil and gas companies, the following savings can be expected when using the Cetegra platform. Here are three highlights:
Cegal Cetegra is the remedy for curing some of the biggest IT operational headaches in the oil and gas industry:
Learn more about Cegal Cetegra here >
Integrated workspace that reinvents how industry experts work, share, and collaborate.