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IT Rights Management

Written by Editorial staff | Jul 5, 2024 7:45:14 AM

What is IT Rights Management?  

IT rights management is all about controlling who has access to what within your company's digital world. Think of it like having keys to different rooms in a building – not everyone should have access to every room.

Just like rooms in a building – some are open to everyone, like the break room, while others are restricted, like the CEO's office. IT rights management is about setting up digital locks and keys to ensure that only the right people can enter specific rooms or access certain data and resources.

For example, you might give the marketing team access to the company's social media accounts, but not to financial records. Similarly, you'd grant access to sensitive customer data only to employees who need it for their job.

This isn't just about keeping your digital files organized – it's also a crucial part of cyber security and keeping your company's data safe and secure. Implementing best practices such as, role-based access control to manage user permissions, and encryption to protect sensitive data, further strengthens your data security measures and defenses against cyber threats. This enables your business to effectively control, monitor, and protect its digital assets, ensuring confidentiality, security, and compliance in a data-driven world.

By ensuring that your company's data practices comply with regulations like GDPR, you minimize the risk of costly fines and legal trouble. Implementing robust rights management practices ensures that your company's Data Capital remains safe, secure, and accessible for those who need it.

Cegal and IT Rights Management

Cegal's team of experienced consultants has a proven track record of helping clients implement robust IT Rights Management practices.  We leverage our deep expertise to ensure sensitive information is properly secured.  Combined with Cegal's Managed Services, this approach safeguards your Data Capital and strengthens your overall cybersecurity, protecting you from costly downtime and data loss.