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GitHub Copilot

Written by Editorial staff | Jan 24, 2024 8:17:54 AM
What is GitHub Copilot?

GitHub Copilot is an innovative code completion tool developed by GitHub in collaboration with OpenAI. It utilizes advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology, particularly OpenAI's Codex model, to assist developers in writing code more efficiently and effectively. GitHub Copilot integrates seamlessly with popular code editors, providing real-time suggestions and auto-completions as developers type, significantly speeding up the coding process. 

How does GitHub Copilot work? 

GitHub Copilot operates by analyzing the context of the code being written and generating intelligent suggestions for the next lines or blocks. It considers the existing codebase, comments, and the developer's coding style, offering highly relevant auto-completions in real-time as well as a chat companion able to answer questions and suggest new functions and methods. This accelerates the coding process and serves as an invaluable resource for learning new programming techniques and best practices. 

GitHub Copilot marks a significant step forward in the evolution of coding tools. By combining AI's power with developers' expertise, Copilot empowers coding enthusiasts to unleash their creativity and build innovative solutions more efficiently than ever before. 

Cegal and GitHub Copilot


Cegal is dedicated to providing our employees with access to cutting-edge technology, enhancing their workdays for increased ease and efficiency. Hence, we have made GitHub Copilot accessible to our developers in Cegal. We always prioritize a responsible approach to technology usage, ensuring that customer data and code are managed appropriately.