Dictionary | Cegal

Distributed Cloud

Written by Cegal | Jun 25, 2024 6:47:16 AM
What is Distributed Cloud?  

Distributed Cloud is a fundamental concept in cloud technology that entails the distribution of computing, storage, and network services across various geographically dispersed locations. These resources are centrally managed and coordinated as a unified entity, eliminating the concentration of cloud resources in a single data center and instead dispersing them across different geographic regions, including edge locations near end users and specific data centers globally.

Key features

  • Geographic dispersion: Cloud resources are placed in different locations to improve latency, regulatory compliance, and redundancy.
  • Centralized management: Despite the dispersion of resources, the entire system is managed as a single entity using centralized tools and platforms.
  • Flexibility and scalability: Using a distributed architecture, enterprises can better manage variations in load and offer scalable services close to users' locations.
  • Edge computing integration: Distributed cloud can combine traditional cloud processing with edge computing, enabling data processing close to where it is generated to reduce latency and bandwidth requirements.


  • Improved performance: By placing resources closer to end users, latency and load times can be reduced.
  • Compliance and data sovereignty: Companies may store and process data in specific geographic regions to comply with local laws and regulations.
  • Increased availability and redundancy: If one site experiences outages, services can continue to operate through other sites and increase system reliability.


  • Complexity of management: Managing a distributed cloud infrastructure requires advanced tools and expertise to ensure synchronization and coordination across different locations.
  • Security concerns: Distributed systems can increase the attack surface and require robust security measures to protect data and services.
  • Network latency and bandwidth: Despite improvements, network latency and bandwidth can become bottlenecks, especially in less developed regions.


  • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Used to distribute content quickly and efficiently worldwide.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): Distributed cloud architecture supports IoT devices by processing data near where it is generated.
  • Global enterprises: Enterprises with global presence use distributed cloud to ensure fast and reliable access to services worldwide.

The future of development

The distributed cloud is a groundbreaking development in cloud technology and is predicted to play a key role in the IT infrastructure of the future. By combining the benefits of traditional cloud and edge computing, distributed cloud can deliver flexible, scalable, and high-performance solutions that meet the needs of modern businesses and technologies.

Cegal and Distributed Cloud

In Cegal, our clients predominantly opt for multi-cloud/hybrid cloud solutions over Distributed Cloud. Nevertheless, we do maintain replicated backups in other cloud regions.